Talking Progress

Talking Progress

A series on ideas that matter

Industrial Heartlands: Before the Election – Insights from the US Industrial Heartlands

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What do people in the industrial heartlands of the US Midwest actually think about politics? And what are the actual needs and concerns of these communities?

Four weeks prior to the US presidential election, we visited the crucial electoral battlegrounds in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan together with the fellows of our Industrial Heartlands project. In this episode, the two working group leads Colleen Dougherty and Friedrich Opitz talk with Neel Brown, Managing Director of the Progressive Policy Institute, about the remarkable efforts to revitalize these once-thriving centers of industrial manufacturing but also point out the remaining challenges that became apparent both during the study tour and in the election results.

Find out more!

This episode was produced by The Progressive Policy Institute in the context of the Transatlantic Dialogue on the Industrial Heartlands: Shaping the Future project. A project by Das Progressive Zentrum and distinguished partners at The Progressive Policy Institute, Georgetown University’s BMW Center for German and European Studies and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.


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Tune into Talking Progress, the podcast about ideas that matter. The Berlin-based think tank "Das Progressive Zentrum" (The Progressive Centre) is gathering the most pressing political debates and perspectives from Berlin to San Francisco, all in one place.

Whether you're a seasoned activist, a curious observer, or someone looking to deepen your understanding of progressive values and policies, Talking Progress is your guide to staying informed, inspired, and empowered.

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by Das Progressive Zentrum


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