A series on ideas that matter
Cities are a major cause of greenhouse gas pollution. However, they are also the places driving change: From modernizing buildings to making mobility sustainable, cities have plenty of tools at ...
The 2021 German Election brought a decisive vote for change: Merkel’s center-right party lost points, while the Social Democrats and the Greens made meaningful gains. But what are the implicatio...
How can regulatory frameworks best serve people while also upholding democratic principles? Tune in to an exclusive one-on-one conversation between the Executive Vice President of the European C...
What does the future hold for social democratic parties and the centre-left? Political scientists Tim Bale and André Krouwel discuss how overarching narratives and a sharpened ideological compas...
German elections are approaching fast. What are the chances of right-wing populists and what do progressives need to do now? Listen to our new episode to find out!
As the Covid-19 pandem...
The American Rescue Plan is pumping 1.9 trillion dollars into citizens’ pockets, the economy, and measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. What has this meant for cities and urban spaces? Two for...
Shared values like the rule of law and respect for freedom, democracy, and equality have to be the foundation of a strong European Public Sphere. In this episode, Susanne Zels makes a case for t...
Human rights violations within the European Union and at its borders are not solely national matters, but concern all of us Europeans. How can transnational activism and civil society cooperatio...
A strong and thriving democracy requires lively and ongoing debate amongst well-informed citizens. Cross-border journalism can play an important role in fostering a lively exchange amongst Europ...